Your Business Process Can Tell You More Than You Think

What’s in a business process? Turns out, almost everything. Taking a granular look at how your process works is about so much more than just workflow efficiency (although that is definitely a benefit). Work will flow more smoothly and production rates will improve, but more than this, you gain an actionable game-plan for improving your organization, setting it up to be in the best position for growth. You also get clear data on which investments are delivering the highest returns.

From technology to automation to talent, the investments we make in our organizations are often directly responsible for scalable growth. But understanding the impact of these investments, and more importantly, where to invest next, is no simple task. There are two big challenges we see and hear about most often.

  1. I don’t know how to measure the impact of spending.
    To maintain a healthy level of growth and scalability, businesses must invest in their infrastructure, upgrading enterprise software and tech stacks, as well as in their people, hiring top talent and putting retention initiatives in place. But many leaders are hard-pressed to know whether these investment initiatives are paying dividends. In most cases, it’s because ROI is a complicated measurement to land on, with no single methodology for calculating a true return on dynamic investments like technology. Without a clear way to measure returns, change might be implemented, but the company must rely on anecdotes and feedback for insights on how much impact—positively and negatively—the changes made.

  2. There isn’t enough visibility to drive action.
    Ultimately to know what to do, you have to be able to first know exactly what’s happening across every department, enterprise-wide. Manually, this is a monstrous undertaking, and most businesses don’t have the capacity to take it on in-house. Sometimes it’s still necessary, but it comes at the cost of high-priced consultant firms to help sort out all the details.

EZFlow solves these problems and more, helping you uncover actionable intelligence in your enterprise-wide processes. With easy-to-use tools, you can see outliers in the process, make better informed decisions about what to change in your process, and even calculate potential returns of changes before making them.

EZFlow also documents the processes for you, helping you better understand how work gets done without having to do this work manually. As a holistic tool, EZFlow shines visibility into every process across the entire company, allowing you to see exactly which investments are delivering returns and which areas need focused improvement. In this way, EZFlow can be used as an insurance tool against all your larger capital investments. Expose problems, prioritize improvements and better focus your resources to ensure that your investments are delivering the intended results.

Once you know what to change, you can focus on intelligently introducing automation and other technology initiatives that will drive the most action and the most returns.

To talk about your own business processes, or discuss how we can help you measure the impact of your ongoing initiatives, our process experts are here to help. Reach out any time.

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